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Your Daily Energy Savings Checklist

There are a myriad of ways and reasons to cut energy use in your home. Many of these come in the form of an investment, ie: you spend money to save money down the road. Some of these include adding an attic vent, replacing your AC unit, replacing windows, and upgrading appliances to more energy efficient models.

There is also a long list of inexpensive and easy ways you can make a dent in your energy use and costs day to day.

  • Pay attention to your thermostat.
    Keeping you cool and comfortable is the goal during the hot summer months, but where exactly is that sweet spot? Play around with adding a degree or two to see if your body adjusts to the subtle change. You might find the change is worth it on your bill.
  • Use your smart thermostat wisely.
    A smart thermostat is only as smart as the one programming it. Do a little research into how to make it work the best for you. Be sure to take advantage of the options for when you are out of the house for an extended amount of time, overnight, or for a longer vacation.
  • Change your filters.
    It’s the chorus of every energy savings song, whether it be sung in winter or summer. A fresh filter allows your system to work at peak efficiency and is critical to air quality as well.
  • Turn on your bathroom fan after showering.
    Getting that heat up and out of the house quickly will be beneficial to your bill and will help prevent any sneaky mold growth. Be sure to turn it off when the heat dissipates, or install a timer.
  • Turn off your ceiling fans when you are not in the room.
    That breeze will cool you down while you’re near it, but it doesn’t do much good when no one is around to feel it.
  • Assess your light bulbs.
    Compact Fluorescents have come a long way and use a quarter of the energy that incandescent bulbs use. They also last about 10 times longer. Check out the selection at your local hardware store, and experiment with the options.
  • Turn off the lights.
    Working on the habit of turning off the light every time you leave a room will pay some dividends in the long run. Encouraging your spouse and kids to do the same will help, too. Consider adding motion detector lights in areas of the home where you typically leave a light on 24/7, such as hallways or entries.

These little changes will add up over the course of the summer months and are easy additions to your daily life. If you have questions about how you can save even more money with your heating and cooling system itself, call us today for a consultation!