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Why Dehumidify?

Is there anything more miserably humid than an Indiana summer? We’ve talked about the importance of humidifiers to control dryness in the winter months, but what happens when the temps warm up and everything gets sticky and damp? Whole-house dehumidifiers are the way to go!

Discourage Mold and Mildew

Mold and mildew has the sneaky ability to seize on any favorably moist condition and begin to spread. By keeping the moisture levels in your home regulated, you will make great strides toward eliminating both, which will also lead to fewer allergies and asthma symptoms. Reducing the summer humidity can also decrease or eliminate the growth of bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Kick Out the Dust Mites

First let’s say a collective, “Ewwww!” Dust mites love, love, love a warm and humid environment, and they celebrate by reproducing rapidly. It’s nearly impossible to get rid of all dust mites, but you sure can help make it harder for them to flourish by getting rid of their comfy damp spots.

Protect Your Valuables

From electronics to books to furniture, everything is compromised by excessive moisture in the air. Keeping your home’s air drier leads to longer life for the structural woods and metals in your home, as well as surfaces such as paint and wallpaper.

Happy Pets, Happy Home

Mold, mildew, and dust mites not only impact human health, but that of our furry friends, as well. By increasing air quality you can keep them comfortable and healthy, and possibly save on vet bills.

Say Goodbye to Musty Odors

Do you ever walk in the door and notice things just don’t smell fresh? Before blaming those dirty socks your teenager left on the floor, you might want to take a look at the humidity levels in your home. A whole house dehumidifier helps strip away those musty odors—especially in the most moist areas of the home, such as basements, crawl spaces, and laundry rooms.

Mind Over Matter…and Sweat

A drier environment makes even the hottest days seem more bearable. Sweat from the body evaporates more quickly in dry air than damp air, making you feel much cooler.

If you’re interested in finding out more about the benefits of a whole-house dehumidifier, give us a call! Our expert technicians are happy to help you find the best solution for your home.