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Should You Replace Your Furnace and A/C at the Same Time?

Odds are, you’re working with the same company for your heating needs as your cooling needs. If it’s time to replace one of your HVAC units, it’s normal to wonder if you should replace the other at the same time—especially if they’re both around the same age. But there’s really no “one size fits all” answer. Let’s take a look at this decision from both sides.

Replacing Both at Once

You Might Save Money

In most industries, when you buy in bulk, you can usually save a bit of money. The HVAC industry is no different. When you replace your furnace and A/C together, you might be able to save a few bucks. Of course, the price will depend on the specifics of your situation and any deals your heating and cooling company might be running at the time. But you might be glad you priced it out. In addition, there are also several tax credits and utility rebates for swapping out your old equipment with new, energy-efficient models. That, alone, could be worth the cost of replacing both units at the same time.

You Might Improve Performance

It’s important to make sure you have the right equipment for your particular home—if your HVAC system is meant for a smaller or a larger house, it might not be up to the task of keeping you as comfy as possible, for as long as possible. If you’ve just discovered you have the wrong sized A/C equipment, you might have the wrong sized furnace, too.

You Might Protect the Environment

If you have an old or obsolete heating and cooling system, chances are good it’s pretty inefficient. That means it’s working too hard, burning through a lot of energy (and money), and taking a toll on the environment. So, if you’re replacing an old furnace for environmental reasons, it might be time to replace your A/C unit, too.

Replacing Each Separately

You Might Save Money

Did you notice this item appears under both sections? That’s because the financial impact of this decision depends on the specifics of your situation. If one of your HVAC units is brand new, efficient, and effective, there’s obviously no point in replacing it—and doing so unnecessarily would be a huge waste of money.

You Might Want to Spread Out the Expenses

At Appel, we’re proud to offer competitive prices. But we also know any HVAC equipment purchase is a pretty big investment. Some people like to spread out the cost because they’re on a budget, they need the money for another major expense, or they simply want more cash on hand. If that’s your situation, replacing everything in stages might be the right move.

Should you replace your furnace and A/C at the same time? Well, before we can help you answer that question, we’d have to ask you a few questions of our own. What’s your budget? How new is your equipment? Is your current system keeping you comfortable? Reach out today if this is something that’s on your mind. We’re happy to help you weigh all the options!