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Say What? HVAC Terms You Should Know

There’s an entire alphabet soup out there of HVAC terms that are often tossed about during a service call. We do our best to keep the language simple and educate homeowners as we go along, but just in case you want to brush up on a few furnace-related terms, here’s list to get you started:

Furnace Filter

Outside air is pulled into the heating unit and passes through the filter. The filter keeps dust and debris from entering the heat exchanger.

Heat Exchanger

The main element of the furnace, this consists of coils or tubes where the air is heated for distribution by the gas Burner.

Gas Burner

This mechanism uses a pilot light to heat up the air in the heat exchanger. The heated air is then forced out by the blower motor.

Blower Motor

The blower motor powers the blower wheel and distributes the heated air throughout the house via ductwork.


These are the closed pipes and chambers that allow air to travel throughout your home.

All of the above components are ultimately controlled by the Thermostat.


This is a temperature-controlled device that tells the furnace when to turn on or off based on your desired temperature.

Knowing the basics of these important parts and how they’re all connected will help you follow along when we come out for your next service call!