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A Quality Furnace Filter Means a Breath of Fresh Air, For You And Your Furnace

The main job of a furnace filter is to protect the mechanical parts of the furnace from airborne particles. However, unless those particles are fairly large (maybe not the size of baseballs exactly, but almost), then a standard fiberglass filter won’t do much in the way of filtering. It will not protect your central air conditioner, which is much more sensitive to contaminants than your furnace is, and it certainly won’t help your indoor air quality.

A good quality furnace filter will not only protect the coil in your air conditioner and improve indoor air quality, but it will also prolong the life of your furnace, prevent costly repairs, and maintain efficiency. The level and type of air cleaning you will get varies from filter to filter. If you would like to know what kind of filter is best for you, contact Appel Heating & Air Conditioning or ask your service technician when you have your furnace serviced.