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Is Duct Cleaning Really Necessary?

Your ducts are most likely out of sight and out of mind. So, is cleaning them actually necessary? Unless you’ve recently undergone construction or particularly dusty renovations, you’re probably fine to ignore your ducts for years at a time. But cleaning your ducts can have some benefits, so you may want to check them from time to time to make sure they’re performing as they should.

Pro Tip: As with most things, when it comes to duct cleaning, you get what you pay for. Those $59 coupons in the ValPak may seem enticing, but they’re actually a huge red flag. Often, those companies will use that low price to get themselves in your door and then upsell you on products or services you don’t actually need. If you’re considering duct cleaning for your home, give us a call—we can refer you to companies we trust to do right by you and your home. And always be sure to get before and after pics!

Cleaning your ducts extends the life of your system.

How long will your HVAC system last? Much of that depends on wear and tear. If you put your system under a lot of strain—by letting dust and gunk build up in your ducts, for instance—you’ll end up overworking the components and reducing their useful life. But if you properly maintain your system, those components won’t have to work as hard, and they’ll last much longer. Cleaning your ducts is a great way to optimize your HVAC system and give it the longest life possible.

Cleaning your ducts improves your air quality.

Cleaning your ducts improves your air quality on two different levels:

  1. Debris and pollutants can settle in your air ducts, which then send those contaminants into the air you breathe. That can trigger all sorts of health issues, like allergies and asthma.
  2. Not to get too gross, but tiny critters do occasionally get trapped and die in your ducts. And, much like the debris and pollutants mentioned above, your ducts send the associated toxins (and smells) into your home. Cleaning your ducts regularly can nip those problems in the bud.

Cleaning your ducts is good for odor control.

When you run your A/C unit, do you notice a smell? Is it a little musty? Stale? Just generally unpleasant? That odor might be coming from bacteria and mold. It also might be coming from animal droppings that one of your rodent friends left behind. Many of us try to get rid of the smell with air fresheners, but that doesn’t actually solve the problem—it just masks it. Cleaning the ducts helps get to the root of the issue.

Cleaning ducts can uncover other problems.

The good news is that your HVAC system is pretty sophisticated. But it also comes with a lot of moving parts. Is there a loose connection somewhere? Did something rust over? Is there a leak that led to standing water? You can’t always spot those problems until you really get in there. When you have your ducts professionally checked, the technician might spot hidden issues that they can only uncover during a deep clean.