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Helpful Heat-Saving Tricks

“Shut the door! You’re letting all the heat out!” This often becomes the chorus of the winter months, when it seems the temperature of your cozy home can dip in an instant as people come and go. Shutting the outside doors is the obvious solution for retaining heat, but it’s not the only method you can use to keep your home snug and the heating bills under control—there are many simple ways to incorporate heat-saving tricks into your daily routine that will lend you a boost when trying to battle the cold winter months.

Lower Your Thermostat

Yeah, we know, this one’s pretty obvious. But what might be new to you is the way smart thermostats keep your home heating costs low by optimizing energy during the hours of the day when you’re away. You can also streamline your ability to have the heat lower during nighttime hours which, in addition to helping you sleep better will save you money across the heating season. Program the heat to kick on shortly before your alarm goes off, and you will keep your piggies warm and comfortable when you jump out of bed to get ready for the day.

Use Your Curtains Wisely

They’re more than just a pretty face. Open curtains and other window coverings to allow the winter sun to warm your home during the day (especially on southern-facing walls), then close them once the sun has gone down to keep your home insulated at night. Windows are often vulnerable to heat loss, so the extra layer can come in handy. Lined curtains, or even doubling up on curtains, will ensure the heat stays where it belongs.

Turn Off Those Fans

Ventilation fans in the bathroom and kitchen are wonderful for whisking away humidity and cooking odors, but they are also excellent at sucking up your precious heat and depositing it in the great outdoors. Using them sparingly in the winter months will help keep the heat in and, in the case of bathrooms, serve to add a little moisture back into the home. If you or others in the home have trouble remembering to turn off the fan, consider installing a timer.

Close the Damper

Enjoying a cozy evening around a crackling fireplace is a lovely thing, but don’t forget to close the damper in between uses. An open fireplace provides a nice vertical escape route for warm air. Glass surrounds will also help keep the area nicely insulated.

Change Your Filters

A fresh filter makes for a happy furnace, and replacing it on a routine schedule will help keep the warm air moving easily throughout your home. This means your furnace won’t have to work as hard and, as a bonus, your air will be nice and clean.

Consider a Humidifier

The benefits of balancing the moisture in your home are numerous, including easier breathing and more comfortable skin, but there are heating benefits as well. Simply put, moist air retains heat better than dry air. By upping your home’s humidity levels, you will feel and see the difference in no time.

We’re happy to have added a few more lines to your winter playlist: “Close those curtains!” “Turn off the fan!” “Change that filter!” Take it from the pros—paying attention to the small things will keep your heat and your dollars where they belong.