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Get fresh, safe water… and clean, healthy air

Get fresh, safe water…

If you don’t like drinking the water from your faucets because it tastes like chlorine or you don’t think it’s as fresh as it could be, don’t reach for bottled water! It may be convenient, but is it better? Research shows that an estimated 25 percent or more of bottled water is really just tap water in a bottle, which may or may not be treated. Furthermore, the water from your faucet is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency under strict standards, while bottled water, because it is classed as a “food”, is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration under more relaxed standards. To make sure you are drinking clean, pure water, have a home water filtration system installed. You’ll have fresh, chemical-free, great-tasting water at a fraction of the cost of bottled water. And since all of those plastic bottles add up to a lot of pollution, you’ll help cut back on that, too.

…and clean, healthy air

Four Simple ways to help you breathe easier at home

1. For improved indoor air, don’t rely on a standard fiberglass furnace filter, because it can only block big dust particles. To protect your family against small particles such as pet dander, which can infiltrate your lungs, call your heating contractor.

2. Molds and germs thrive in humidity. To protect your family, keep the level of humidity inside your home at no higher than 50%. If you are not sure of how humid your home is, an inexpensive hygrometer purchased at your hardware store will tell you what you need to know. If you have any plumbing leaks, have them repaired.

3. Paint and paint thinners, harsh cleaning products, and other solvents will off gas into your air and contribute to indoor air pollution. Reduce your family’s exposure by storing these chemicals in a closed cabinet, preferably in a garage or shed outside the house.

4. Use kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans to remove excess warm, humid air and other possible indoor air contaminants generated from cooking, bathing, or cleaning. If you have a workshop in your home, consider having a ventilation hood installed to remove solvents such as glue.