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Fall Fireplace Checklist

Nothing says “fall” quite like lighting the fireplace for the first time. You might be all set to cozy up with a blanket and a good book, but is your fireplace ready? Follow these steps to ensure you’re able to enjoy a safe, comfortable blaze free from smoke, soot, and fire hazards.

Chim Chim Cheree

The first step is to hire a professional chimney sweep to come out and do a thorough cleaning and inspection. The National Fire Protection Association recommends that your chimney be swept once a year. You know your home’s condition best, so beforehand do a visual assessment of your chimney surfaces and surrounds, paying attention to loose bricks and mortar that may need to be addressed.

Evade Invasion

An often unexpected feature of having a fireplace is the occasional critter who descends down the chimney and waltzes (or flaps) into your living room. If playing catch with a bat is not your thing, consider installing a chimney cap, which will keep the animals, leaves, and debris out of your fireplace and home. Keeping the damper shut when you’re not enjoying the fireplace will help in this regard as well.

Log Some Prep Time

Your fire is only as good as your wood. A stockpile of dry, seasoned hardwoods will burn cleanly and easily. If you don’t have your own supply, be sure to buy locally, as wood pests such as Emerald Ash Borer can be transported on firewood and spread to new regions. A nice, handy stack of split logs inside or in the garage will keep you from having to dash out in the cold.

Safety Measures Up to Snuff?

Take a few minutes to review this year’s needs when it comes to barriers around your fireplace. If you have new pets or children in the home, take the time to adequately protect them from the heat source. This might include adding new glass doors or a fireplace safety fence around the perimeter of the hearth space.

Speaking of Safety

Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors…we know you have them, but are they in working order? Batteries fresh and ready for the season? Now is the time to do a room by room check to ensure they are all humming along and ready to alert you to any issues that might occur.

Grab the Cocoa

And there you have it! You and your fireplace are now ready to for many warm and cozy hours this chilly season. Enjoy!