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Do Your Furnace a Favor (or Four)

If you’re like many homeowners, your furnace is mostly out of sight and out of mind. After all, it’s one of the few household systems that may last as long or longer than the time you own your home. This is all well and good until something goes “thump” in the night, and you realize… during the coldest weekend of the year…your furnace isn’t keeping up.

How do you prevent such a crisis and keep your furnace humming along happily for years to come? The answer is easy—regular maintenance is the key. Some items on the list are easily done on your own. Others require the expertise of a heating professional, which can be scheduled yearly.

1. Change Your Filter

It is the official mantra of any HVAC professional. When your filters are filled with debris, your furnace has to work harder to pull in the air. Household dust, pet dander, and all sorts of airborne particles can clog the weave of the filter and affect its efficiency. We recommend changing your filter every 30-60 days, depending on the unique variables in your home.

2. Invest in a Programmable Thermostat

This isn’t exactly maintenance, but the fact of the matter is that if you can figure out a way to make your furnace work less, the longer it’s going to last. Having the option to reduce set points during the daytime hours when the house is empty and keeping things cooler when you are traveling are big steps to limiting the amount of work your furnace has to do.

3. Keep it Clear

If your furnace is tucked away in the recesses of your home, be sure to keep the perimeter from becoming crowded and cluttered. We know it’s tempting to use that space to store holiday decorations and toys your kids have outgrown, but your furnace needs its personal space in order to draw in air. And due to the heat generated during the process, any items too close end up becoming a fire hazard. Not to mention, your HVAC service technician will thank you for not having to dig their way to the unit!

4. Tune Up Yearly

It’s vitally important to schedule yearly maintenance for your furnace. A professional check will include all sorts of things that extend past what you can do yourself. The check should include a thorough cleaning, inspection of all parts for wear, tear, and cracking, and tests for leaks (especially carbon monoxide). Additionally, certain parts will be lubricated as necessary to keep things running smoothly. All machines rely on their various parts and pieces working effectively to ensure the whole system is operating in an optimal manner, and your furnace is no exception. If one part is beginning to fail, identifying it early helps the other components to do their job more efficiently.

Your care and vigilance paired with an HVAC professional’s expert touch is the perfect recipe for a long-lasting furnace that will keep you comfortable for years to come. Call us today to schedule a visit!