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Allergies and Indoor Air Quality

What’s in a breath of fresh air? Quite a lot it seems—just ask any allergy sufferer. As the earth bursts forth with plants, flowers, and green grass, it comes with an uptick in new scents, pollen, mold, and more. What’s worse is all those bits join in with man made pollutants such as emissions and chemicals to stealthily invade your home, mixing with the dander, mold spores, dust mites, and all the rest.

What is a living, breathing person to do? There are numerous ways to mitigate indoor air quality in your home to meet your needs and comfort level.

Media Air Cleaners

Whole house air quality can be improved tremendously with a media air cleaner. Integrated with your existing HVAC system, this device will pre-filter your air, diffuse it, and toss those unwanted particles into a highly effective media filter where they will be trapped for good. The benefits are twofold. First, it will take up to 99% of the particles out of the air, vastly improving the quality. Second, filtering out the air prior to it entering your system will ensure your unit has less work to do.

UV Lights

We know a lot about UV rays as they apply to being out in the sun, but what role do they play in indoor air quality? UV-C rays that are the most dangerous to cells (and typically blocked by the earth’s atmosphere) can be artificially generated to clean air. In a UV purification system the air passes through a filter and then enters a chamber where it is blasted with UV rays. This exposure kills all the living organisms, such as mold and mildew. Rather than just a trap, it is an active way to eliminate and dissipate. The air then goes through another filter chamber before being released back into your home.

Routine Maintenance

The easy answer to getting a jump on the air quality in your home comes down to scheduled maintenance. Having your unit inspected and cleaned regularly and changing those filters keeps your system working efficiently, and with your system humming along nicely, the air you are cycling through your home will be cleaner.

In the end, the decision to go the extra mile with an add-on system such as media cleaners or UV lights is up to your budget, environmental, and comfort needs. Many individuals are content to allow their existing system to do its job while others may need to invest more into the quality of their air to help with allergies or asthma, or just to get rid of excess pet dander floating around in the home.

If you would like more information about making your home’s air quality a priority, give us a call today.