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Go Green This Season

Try your hand at an eco-friendly lifestyle with these simple, environmentally-friendly tips:

Shop for Eco-Friendly Beauty Products.

Look good and make a difference by trying out “green” beauty products. A quick Google search reveals a variety of companies to choose from, at fairly affordable prices. This is an easy switch that can make a real difference.


Not only does carpooling save money, it reduces the pollution that driving releases into the environment. Does your company have a community notices board? Tack up a note asking if anyone lives near you and would be interested in sharing the commute. Or see if any of your neighbors work close to your office. (You might even make some new friends!)

Add a Little Greenery.

Bring a few houseplants into your home. Besides adding natural beauty to your decor, house plants reduce carbon dioxide levels in your house and help filter out certain indoor pollutants—they’re natural air purifiers!


Recycling reduces pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. This is a simple yet effective way to make a positive impact that can be continued well past spring!