Spring is a lovely time in Central Indiana. The temps are warm but not too warm, the flowers and trees are in bloom, the birds are chirping…and the thunderstorms start rolling in. We’ve all been there—in the middle of a favorite movie when, CRACK BOOM! Lightning somewhere far away hits a transformer, and the electricity goes out with a flicker.
What to do? Here are a few tips to stay safe and comfortable during a spring power outage.
- Opt for non-perishable snacks. You never know how long the outage will last, and opening and closing your refrigerator door a whole bunch is a fast way to spoiled food. When the power comes back on, check the temp in the fridge. If it’s above 40°, throw out the food.
- If the outage lasts for longer than a day, prepare a cooler with ice to put food in and store in a dry, cool spot.
- Unplug all appliances and electronics to keep them safe. When the power comes back on, there could be damaging surges.
- Only use generators outside to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.
- Leave one light turned on so you know when the power comes back on.
- Take the opportunity to bond with the fam. Build a blanket fort and tell spooky stories!
- Prepare for the inevitable! Have flashlights and batteries in locations throughout the house, in spots that are easy to locate in the dark. Keep a for-emergencies-only store of food like granola bars and beef jerky. And stock up on board games and other fun, non-electronic activities to keep everyone safe and comfy for the next outage.