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Air Conditioning Myths: BUSTED!

Air conditioning, as we know it, was invented back in 1902. That’s 121 years for outdated and flat-out-wrong info to circulate as true and become “common knowledge.” It’s about time to debunk those pesky A/C myths once and for all…and we’re just the folks to do it!

MYTH #1:

Cranking Your A/C Will Cool Your Home Down Faster

When you walk into your home on a really hot day, your instinct might be to kick your A/C into hyperdrive in an effort to cool your home down faster. But your A/C doesn’t work like that. Trust us: your home will cool at the exact same rate whether you set your thermostat to the desired end temperature or to arctic temps.

MYTH #2:

You Should Close Vents in the Rooms You’re Not Using

We’re not sure where this myth originated, but it’s proven to be very stubborn…and quite damaging. Closing the vents interferes with the free flow of air, creates pressure, and overworks your system. Instead of closing or blocking vents in unused rooms, look into zoning, which allows you to safely target your cooling and conserve more energy.

MYTH #3:

A Bigger Unit is a Better Unit

When purchasing new HVAC equipment, it’s not about finding the best A/C unit. It’s about finding the best A/C unit for your particular home. Each air conditioner is calibrated to service a home of a specific size. If you go too small, you’ll overwork your system. If you go too big, you could zap your compressor. Much like the fabled three bears, you want the unit that’s just right.

MYTH #4:

Air Conditioning Will Give You a Cold

Despite what Grandma says, cold air won’t make you sick. It’s important to note, however, that you could get sick in an indirect way. For example, if you have a dirty air filter (CHANGE YOUR FILTERS) it can cycle contaminants into your home which, in turn, can be bad for your health. But if your system is optimized and running clean, the cold air, alone, won’t make you sick.

MYTH #5:

Your HVAC System Has a Set Lifespan

Don’t get us wrong, your HVAC system does have a lifespan. But it’s not a fixed lifespan. It varies. As we’ve said before, your system’s longevity is influenced by a number of factors, including how well you maintain the whole shebang. But there’s no manufacturer, and no specialist, who can tell you exactly how long your system will last. The closest you can ever get is a ballpark range.

You’ll hear a lot of “conventional wisdom” about your A/C unit, a lot of which is quite outdated. Instead of trying to fact-check everything on your own, reach out to Appel! We can get you on a proper maintenance schedule, pair you with the right products and—of course—debunk any persisting myths.