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Trade School: A Smart Alternative to College

These days it seems everyone, from teachers to parents to guidance counselors, are pushing the idea of college on students. While there are certainly benefits to earning a college degree, this kind of environment and learning style isn’t for everyone. And that’s okay! There are many paths you can take to a rewarding career, and attending a trade school offers one alternative with many benefits—especially if you’re looking to get into the HVAC field.


The cost of a college education has increased exponentially over the last few decades. And most people have to pay for it by taking on debt. The average student loan debt in the US is about $40,000, which can lead to a crippling monthly expense in your early career. Those payments affect your ability to save money and to get a home loan. Trade school, however, is much more affordable. The cost of each certification varies, but an HVAC certificate is typically between $1,200 and $15,000. This means you can start on your career path with less debt and more financial flexibility.

Competitive Pay

Depending on which field they go into, college graduates can certainly make a good amount of money, especially if they go on to get higher degrees, like a Masters or PhD. But those jobs—and the high salaries that come with them—are far from guaranteed. Some people take on incredible amounts of debt only to find out that when they graduate, their field is completely oversaturated. HVAC, on the other hand, offers competitive pay, a living wage, and promising job prospects. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that HVAC technicians will be in high demand through at least 2026.

A Dynamic Environment

Some people are perfectly cut out to work a desk job. But it’s important to ask yourself if this kind of work matches up well with your personality. How would you feel about going into an office every day? How would you feel about sitting down for the majority of your 8 hour shift? How would you feel about interacting with the same people over and over? A job in the trades—like HVAC—gets you out and about. You’re always driving to new locations, meeting new people, and rising to new challenges. Many people are energized by that environment. Are you one of them?

While college is a great path for a lot of people, at the end of the day, it’s just one path. Ask yourself if a career in the trades is right for you. And if you’re specifically interested in HVAC, reach out to Appel today. We’re hiring!