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Give Your A/C a Leg Up During the Summer Season

It’s heating up faster than you can say “not so bad without the humidity”…which means it’s officially air conditioning season in Indiana! Your A/C works miracles every summer. But it can also run into a few challenges that make its job tougher than it needs to be. Those challenges make your equipment less efficient which increases your energy bill and could lead to some pretty hefty repairs. Here are a few of the most common A/C challenges that you’ll want to keep an eye out for:

Windows and Doors

Many people open their doors and windows to let in some fresh air when the weather warms up. But then they forget to shut everything back up when it gets hot enough to turn on the A/C. Get in the habit of taking a quick lap around the house to make sure all those windows and doors are closed. That way, you’ll lock in all of the cool air instead of releasing
it outside.


Even if you do close everything, cool air can still escape through your doors and windows if they’re poorly sealed. When’s the last time you applied a little caulk? Are you due for new weatherstripping? Taking both of those measures can help eliminate drafts and keep your cool air indoors where it belongs. Chimneys are another vulnerability, so make sure you’ve applied the damper.

Dirty Air Filters

A dirty air filter is packed with debris, which blocks the free flow of air into your home. That means your A/C unit has to work extra hard, resulting in a higher energy bill and extra stress on the unit. A restricted air filter can also cause your air conditioner to shut down completely. Have you changed your air filter lately? The guidelines on when to switch them out are informed by the type of filter you’re using, the climate, and whether you have pets. Make sure you read up on your filter so you have an idea of when to check it—and then put that date on the calendar so you don’t forget!


The moment you walk inside during a hot day, everyone has the same instinct: crank your A/C unit as low as it can possibly go. But ask yourself whether you really need to do that. The Department of Energy recommends you set your thermostat to 78 degrees during the summer to strike a nice balance between comfort and savings. Add a couple fans to the mix, and you may be surprised at how cool your home seems.

Your HVAC system is one of life’s simple pleasures, pumping out cool, refreshing air when you need it most. But make sure it’s firing on all cylinders by closing your windows and doors, sealing drafts, and setting your thermostat just a little bit higher. And as always, if this seems like a lot, just give us a ring. Whether it’s a new filter or a smart thermostat, we’re always just a phone call away.