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4 Ways a Furnace Tune Up Pays Dividends

Although it might not make the tippy-top of every homeowner’s To-Do List, a fall furnace tune up is a great way to ensure the safety, efficiency, and convenience of your furnace and will pay big dividends when the wind begins to whistle and the temperature plummets.

1. Safety First

An annual tune up includes a clean and check of all the elements that make your furnace run smoothly and safely. One of the most important aspects is testing the gas burners to make sure they are lighting correctly and burning at the right temperature. When the burners are performing optimally, the flame will be using the gas in the most efficient manner, resulting in a blue flame. If the flame is weak or yellow in color this may mean the gas is not feeding the flame and is instead dispersing into your home, raising dangerous carbon monoxide levels.

2. Ditch the Dirt

A clean furnace is a happy and well-functioning furnace. When all the elements of your furnace are free of buildup and debris, they are able to heat more efficiently. This results in a lower utility bill and a unit that will run smoothly across its lifespan. This also contributes to better air quality throughout your home (and maybe even a little less dusting). Once your furnace is sparkling, keep it that way by changing your filters regularly.

3. A Stitch in Time

Waking up at 3 am on a Saturday to frigid temperatures is no fun and can be costly, as well. Making a furnace tune up a priority before your furnace begins to act up can catch any problems early. You may find that there are certain repairs or adjustments that need to be made, and doing so before the snow falls will save you hassle and money. Additionally, it is much preferable to do furnace shopping when your teeth aren’t chattering.

4. Heed the Warranty

Many manufacturers specify certain maintenance considerations should be completed on a yearly basis in order to keep the terms of your warranty valid. If unexpected issues arise during the life of your furnace, keeping up-to-date on your maintenance visits may make the difference between a costless repair or replacement and a very expensive fix.

Go ahead and move the furnace tune up from your “Should Do” list to the top of your “To Do” list—reaping big dividends is just a phone call or text away.