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Furnace Shopping 101

It may not make your Top 10 List of Homeowner Shopping Joys, but shopping for a furnace is a task nearly every homeowner faces at some point. A new furnace is a big investment, and choosing the right one will pay dividends in both monthly expenses as well as enhancing the comfort of your home through the highs and lows of an Indiana winter. We’ve put together a few basic guidelines to help keep the experience as easy as can be.

Choose Your Own Furnace Destiny

Sure you can allow your aging furnace to limp along until it randomly issues its final thump in the night, and you wake up with frost on your toes. But if a sudden, mid-winter furnace emergency is not on your agenda, then be proactive. A fall check-up of your system allows us to do an assessment and let you know if it makes sense to schedule a planned replacement. If you are unsettled by the idea of not getting every last week or month’s worth out of your old furnace, consider that your new unit will likely be far more efficient, and your installation cost during non-peak emergency times will be less.

Assess Your Needs

There are numerous considerations when choosing the correct size of furnace unit. Although square footage is the biggest indicator of what size you’ll need, ceiling height, number of windows, and insulation play a big part in the final equation. First, ask yourself if the size of your existing unit is keeping you adequately cozy. If it is, you can likely replace with a similar size. If you struggle to keep the home heated to your comfort level, you might consider upping the size of the unit (measured as BTUs), or increase the amount of insulation to mitigate areas of heat leakage in your home. It makes little sense to upgrade to a bigger or more efficient furnace only to have that warm air escape. Our comfort home advisors will complete a load calculation on your home to perfectly size your HVAC equipment—no guessing needed!

Evaluate Efficiency

The efficiency of a furnace is standardized in AFUEs, which stands for Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency. It’s measured in percentages, which reflect the amount of energy produced with one gallon of fuel. An AFUE of 80% means that 80% of the fuel is converted into energy, and 20% is lost to exhaust. Although this is a handy way to compare units within the same fuel category, ie: gas furnaces, it cannot be used to compare heating costs across various types of furnaces—gas, oil, or electric. For instance, electric heat is more efficient in terms of energy produced, but overall is a far more expensive way to heat your home. So, keep your apples to apples, and remember it does little good to have a high-efficiency furnace if you don’t have a high-efficiency home, in terms of insulation.

Opt In for Two Stage

The old fashioned standard furnace has a valve that essentially is either open or closed. Newer, two stage furnaces have a mid position that helps your furnace not consume as much fuel when regulating the temperature of your home. Think of it as a sprint or a marathon. A one stage furnace is sprinting, while a two stage unit doesn’t kick into gear as quickly, but stays level and steady. This mid open position will get you through the majority of an Indiana winter while still allowing a full on blast when it is most needed. It’s also best for maintaining a comfortable temperature inside your home during those 50 degree days when some heat is needed to keep things cozy but not a lot.

Read Those Warranties

When making an investment in a furnace, the warranties really do matter. There are two types of warranties to peruse when buying a new furnace. The first is the Manufacturer’s Warranty, which covers defects in materials or workmanship. The second is the Installation Warranty, which is provided by the HVAC company who installs and maintains your unit. To avoid potential issues with voiding or lessening your protection, be sure to register your unit and only use licensed HVAC professionals to install and maintain your system. As warranties vary between manufacturers, a side by side comparison may be exactly what you need to make your final choice.

There you have it, a crash course in furnace shopping. Remember though, your best shopping resources are your certified and friendly Appel professionals. We have the experience to assess your needs and point you in the right direction to the furnace of your dreams. Give us a call!