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75 Years of Appel: Reflections on a Family Business

By Scott Appel

Back in 1948, my grandfather, Wilber Appel, founded Appel Service Company, now known as Appel Heating & Air Conditioning. I wonder if he had any idea back then that we’d eventually celebrate our 75th anniversary of serving this wonderful community that is the greater Indianapolis metropolitan area.

Guess what Gramps? Here we are, three generations later, doing just that—celebrating our 75th year of business! Quite an achievement, if you ask me.

How have we arrived at this landmark anniversary? I believe our success and longevity can be attributed to a combination of hard work, proper morals and ethics, and strong leadership.

A Bit About the Appels

3 generations of Appels: Wilber, Ken, and Scott

My grandfather put in nearly forty years at Appel before his passing in 1986. He was on his way home from the office that day to pick up my grandmother to go vote when he was in a fatal automobile accident. 86 years old and still grinding away at the office, because he had a passion for work and serving others. Gramps was stern but fair, and his moral compass was passed to my aunt, uncle, and of course, my father.

My father, Ken, started at Appel in 1957 after graduating from Purdue University. Big Papi (our loving nickname for Dad) spent more than 50 years of his life out here before he slowly transitioned into retirement. I say “slowly transitioned into retirement,” because he still likes to talk shop with me and review financials (for fun). Ken will be 89 in December, and he still has a passion for this place, which I think is great and one of the many reasons I admire him.

My father sat my sister and me down when I was a senior and she was a freshman in high school. His message was simple: he wanted us to know that we could pursue anything we desired as far as a career went. He didn’t care if we wanted to become a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher, or a refuse collector, as long as we enjoyed what we did and it made us happy. He wanted us to know there was no pressure to feel like we needed to go into the family business.

He also made it clear that if either of us ever had an interest in the business, we would have to approach him, as this was the one and only time he was going to have this talk with us. I think that is one of the greatest messages my father, or any father, could deliver to his children. We had complete freedom to find our own path and to go our own way in the pursuit of happiness.

A Bit About Scott

I started my own deck restoration and landscaping business at the age of 17. I had an entrepreneurial spirit which I know I got from my father and my grandfather. I continued this business through my college years and into my mid-twenties. The last summer of business, I couldn’t keep help. I was selling jobs, I was doing the work, keeping the books, and guys would quit because the work was hard. I realized the work I was offering was not a career. It was just work. I thought long and hard about the differences between my business and my dad’s business. The heating and air conditioning business involved hard work, but it required training and education, too. It offered a career.

So here I am, 25+ years after the day that I sat my dad down and told him I wanted to pursue a new career in heating and air conditioning. I still feel extremely fortunate for this opportunity. I’m fortunate that I got to work beside my father for all those years, just like he got to with his father. I’m most appreciative of my father’s mentorship.

My father is a Rotarian. The Rotary Four-Way Test is:

  1. Is it the TRUTH?
  2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

These core values have guided my father in his personal and professional life. These values were part of his mentorship to me.

A Bit About Our Employees

I want to take a moment to thank all of the great employees, past and present, that have made Appel a success. Without you, we are nothing. With you, we are a success.

A special thank you to those of you that have given so much of yourselves to ensure our success: Don Hall (30+ years), Steve Dye, (30+ years), John Mills (30+ years), Paul Poland (20+ years), Connie Ash (20+ years), Judy Herdman (20+ years), Nate Evans, (20+years), Rick Baca (20+ years), and Jim & Perry Curtis (30+ years combined). I hope I’m not forgetting anyone else in the 20-30 year club.

A Bit About Our Customers

Appel started out selling and delivering heating oil way back in 1948 and continued to do so until the end of 1997, when Don Hall retired. We still have a lot of customers that started with Appel back in the fuel oil days. I’m forever grateful for all of you, our long-term and loyal customers. I’m forever grateful for all of the wonderful people I’ve met over all these years. I realize the term “family business” not only refers to my family but to you and your families as well. I thank all of our customers for making Appel a success.

A Bit About the Future

With each new day comes new challenges. The heating and air conditioning industry continues to evolve. New cooling efficiency standards for the country began January 1st of this year. New refrigerants are being developed to replace less environmentally sound refrigerants of the past. Systems and controls are becoming more complex with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth technology being integrated into them.

No matter the changes within the industry, my goal for Appel is to continue to provide great customer service at a fair price. Old fashioned ideals like hard work and integrity are still in fashion in my book. These values have gotten us to where we are today and will continue to pave the path for our future.

So, from three generations of Appels, I thank you for 75 great years together. Cheers to many more!

Scott Appel