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5 Facts About Indoor Air Quality

1. Indoor pollutants are worse than outdoor pollutants.

Most people understand the health concerns that come with outdoor pollution, but rarely do people realize that levels of some of the most common indoor air pollutants are 2 to 5 times higher than those of their outdoor counterparts.

2. Indoor air pollution isn’t always obvious.

Many of the pollutants in our home are virtually undetectable—often because they’re disguised by flowery fragrances. Cleaning products and other regular household items can release toxic fumes into our indoor environment, so it’s important to choose fragrance free products whenever possible…and ventilate, ventilate, ventilate!

3. The number of children with severe allergies and asthma is on the rise.

This surge has been linked to increasingly poor indoor air quality. HVAC maintenance, such as cleaning filters and ducts regularly, not only helps safeguard against these conditions, but can also help ease the side effects.

4. The kitchen is a hot spot.

Kitchen appliances are one of the biggest culprits when it comes to producing toxic pollutants in the home. Nitrogen dioxide and carbon dioxide are some of the more common byproducts of cooking, so it’s extremely important to ensure you have proper ventilation. If you have a range hood, make sure it vents to the outdoors, and use it every time, on the highest setting. If you don’t have a hood, be sure to open a window to circulate fresh air.

5. IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) doesn’t just affect your lungs.

When we think of poor air quality, asthma and other lung ailments often come to mind. But air pollutants can cause so many more issues—dry eyes, skin conditions, headaches, nasal congestion, fatigue, and nausea, to name a few. Installing proper HVAC equipment and ensuring appropriate ventilation throughout your home go a long way toward reducing and preventing many of these symptoms.

Are you concerned about your Indoor Air Quality? Appel’s expert service technicians can help you choose the right IAQ solution for you, your family, and your home. Call us today!