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How to Prevent Winter Dryness

There’s a cold wind blowing, and it’s bringing with it dry, itchy, winter skin! Following these simple tips will help keep your home and yourself comfy through the driest of seasons.

  • A humidifier can be your best friend during the winter months. It reintroduces moisture into the air you breathe, it also keeps your skin, mouth, and nasal passages nice and lubricated. This is important, as the mucus in your system actually traps germs and prevents you from getting sick. Set the humidity level to 30-50%—anything higher, and you run the risk of growing mold and fungi and other gross things.
  • Seal your home. Not only does this keep the cold, dry air out, but it means you don’t have to crank the heat up as high, either. Both ways, you preserve what moisture remains in the house, and it helps save on your heating bills, too!
  • Take shorter showers. This is a tough one, we know…long, hot showers on cold, blustery mornings are the best. But all that hot water is actually washing away important natural oils. Try to keep it under 15 minutes, if possible, and be sure to use warm (not hot) water. Soaps with higher fat content (oils, cocoa butter, lanolin, etc.) are also a good idea.
  • Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! With thick, oil-based lotions and ointments. Do this frequently, and especially after you get out of the bath or shower. And don’t forget the sunscreen—it’s not just for summer, you know. Use sunscreen with added moisturizers and an SPF of at least 30. To keep nasal passages moist, rub a little salt water or petroleum jelly in each nostril.
  • DRINK LOTS OF WATER. This is good for you in so many ways, all throughout the year. In winter especially, it will help keep your skin and mouth from drying out. Add tea or a little juice to give it some pizzazz.