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Quick Tips to Save Energy Around the House

  • Save up to 75% of lighting costs by switching to compact fluorescent bulbs. These babies also last much longer, saving you the cost of replacements, over time.
  • Unplug all electronics and appliances when not in use. Leaving your computer on all day is awfully convenient, but it will cost you about $75/year!
  • Turn down the temp on the water heater to 120°. Consider wrapping it in an insulating blanket as well.
  • Use cold water to wash your clothes. It cleans just as well and is actually a little easier on your garments.
  • Setting your thermostat to 68-70° in the colder months can save gobs of energy—about 3% for every degree you lower the temp. Consider switching to a programmable thermostat to turn the heat down even more while you’re away from home.
  • Have you had your ductwork checked, lately? The average home loses around 20% of its energy through leaky ducts.